Saturday, 10 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY TEN



350g plain flour
175g light soft brown sugar
100g  butter
1 medium egg
4 tablespoons of golden syrup
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1½ teaspoon of ground ginger


You will need a rolling pin and a man shaped pastry cutter (if you want gingerbread man shapes)


The pastry will be easier to mix if the butter has been removed from the fridge half an hour before starting mixing.

Put the flour, butter, ground ginger and bicarbonate of soda in a mixing bowl. Mix it all together with fingertips until crumbly. Add sugar, syrup and egg and mix until it forms a firm pastry mix.

Pre-heat the oven to 180°C

Using the rolling pin, roll out the pastry to about 5mm thick. Make sure the surface and the rolling pin are well dusted with flour. Cut out the shapes with a knife and/or pastry cutter.

Place the cut out pastry on a greased or non-stick baking tray.

Put the baking trays in the pre-heated oven. Remove after 15 minutes (check after 10 minutes).

Find a selection of anything you like to decorate the gingerbread men and house.  We used cake icing with raisins, chocolate chips and edible silver balls.  Put a blob of icing on the gingerbread men where you want a decoration to stick.

Check out this printable house template here...

Friday, 9 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY NINE

Paper Snowflakes!!!!

If you've never made them, it's strangely relaxing and easy to get caught up in...

I got the idea from Martha Stewart here.

Before ~ some spanish words and an inspiration board.
First Snowflake!
Finished product (until I get carried away again)

Now I can imagine a White Christmas (if I try really hard)

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY EIGHT

Ok... I was going to this on December 31st, but I just saw "New Years Eve" at the movies and can't wait to share last years New Years with you!  This is just a teaser ~ I'll put up the real movie on Dec 31... the one where the ball drops at midnight... 12am 1st January 2011.

So last year I was at the BIGGEST and BEST New Years Party in the world.  There was me and 1.2 million others partying at 1 Times Square, NY, NY.  I arrived around 2pm, jumped the fence and got a great spot right next to the main stage on Broadway between 46th and 47th street.

For four hours I waited for the fun to begin.  At 6pm the ball was raised and every hour on the hour there was a countdown with fireworks and confetti.  Ke$ha, Backstreet Boys (and New Kids on the Block), Rick Springfield and Taio Cruz were the line up and at midnight after a few lines of auld lang syne, I sang and high kicked with 1.2 million others to Frank Sinatra's New York, New York!

It was a long wait, but it was worth it.  It was magical.  See for yourself...

Stay tuned for photos and the final countdown of 2010.  And if you see the new movie "New Years Eve" see if you can spot me!

Here's a few videos to get you in the mood...

And some photos...

Early Afternoon ~ Waiting...
Still waiting... 

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY SEVEN

It has been a long day and I almost forgot to do day 7's blog...  So I've just whipped this together with the help of and my favourite wikipedia (and a little bit of bible knowledge)...

1. The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important.
2. Advent
a. The liturgical period preceding Christmas, beginning in Western churches on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and in Eastern churches in mid-November, and observed by many Christians as a season of prayer, fasting, and penitence.
b. Christianity The coming of Jesus at the Incarnation.
c. Christianity The second coming of Christ.

Advent comes from the latin adventus meaning coming or arrival.  It applies to this time of year, as Christmas represents the advent (coming) of Christ in the world.  His birth was the arrival of God as man, and what is called the first coming of Jesus.

To the church, Advent is a time of hopeful yearning and anticipation for the celebration of Christ's birth.  The lead-up to the first Christmas meant that people held on to the promises given by the prophets and John the Baptist.  Promises that told them there was one that would come to save them from the injustice and oppression that sin brought to the world.  At Christ's advent (arrival) people knew that they had not hoped in vain.  Today Advent is celebrated in the lead-up to Christmas for all the hope that it represents in awaiting the first arrival of Christ.

He was sent as "Messiah", which means saviour, rescuer, liberator, champion, knight in shining armour.  Now this is what fairy tales are about.  When our "knight in shining armour" arrived, the promise of being delivered from the evils of the world was fulfilled, and we had cause to celebrate.  

Advent not only points to Christ's arrival as a baby born to a virgin in a barn in the middle of nowhere as God on earth, but also to his next arrival ~ his second coming.  Advent is a time to praise Christ for the fact that he will come back again, and walk with us in a new earth, free from pain, hurt, deterioration, loneliness, and the guilt that comes from sin.

Advent merges the Easter story with the Christmas story.

It is a time to remember what he did to make our place in the new earth possible.  A new earth where there will not be the separation from our creator that sin causes us here.  A creator who made us, knows us (better than we do), and loves us despite the fact that we didn't want his love.  

In many churches it is a time for people to fast and to prepare themselves to celebrate the anniversary of Christ's arrival as God incarnate (as a man).  Christ was a gift to us to rid the earth of injustice, yet it is not fair to ask him to do that without allowing him to be a fair judge.  

On his second advent (arrival) the judgement of God on the sin in our world will touch every person, and so advent should be a celebration for those who Christ has saved from that judgement, and for those who haven't accepted Christ as their knight in shining armour, it is a time to consider if you are ready for when the second Advent comes.

It is the fairy-tale of my life.  The one with a happy ending.  Where forever starts now.  Where I walk hand in hand with the one who loves me.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY SIX

Make your own brown paper gift tag tied up with string...

What you'll need:
~ A4 Card
~ Gift Tag Template (bottom of blog ~ email me if you can't get it from here)
~ Brown String
~ Christmassy words printed on white paper (Noel, Joy, Love, Christmas, Peace etc)
~ Paper Doilies
~ Glue
~ Scissors
~ Hole Punch
~ Computer and Printer
~ Pretty Black Pen

First, you should print the gift card template onto A4 card, and cut out each gift tag so there is no black line showing.

Mark and cut out the hole with the hole punch...


Cut up words and doilies and glue them on however you want.


Be creative with the brown string.

And you're done!

If you have more time than I have, check out these DIY gift tags by other bloggers...

DIY Holiday Gift Tags on Miniature Rhino
DIY Pretty fabric Scrap Gift Tags on Creature Comforts
Anthro Penmanship Gift Tags on Flamingo Toes

Gift Card Template...

Monday, 5 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY FIVE

Christmas Classics...

My last - absolutely beautiful and magical - Christmas in Boston, Washington D.C. and NY saw me embracing decades worth of traditions.  One of them was in a small old time theatre in Harvard Square (Boston) where I ate popcorn from a retro box and watched "It's A Wonderful Life" in technicolour.  

The streets of Harvard

Harvard in the Winter

The Brattle Theatre has an annual
showing of "It's A Wonderful Life"

It was the perfect Christmas experience, and in that vein, I am going to check out a few other Christmas Classics before the big day.  Unfortunately I wont have red velvet curtains and a black leather theatre chair, or a vintage looking popcorn box and coca cola glass, but I will pretend I'm back there in cold wintery boston!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY FOUR

Tis The Season To Party...

Earlier this year I set a limit on the nights I'm allowed to spend "out" partying, and by partying I just mean not having a night at home.  It is the first year since year 12 that I have had two or more nights a week free!

But since it's Christmas time, I have reneged on my deal with myself, and instead am going to get all my partying out of the way for next year...

This weekend, the first this summer, I have been to three "parties" with the potential for more. (I wasn't invited to a "friend's" party - thanks a lot Josh Manson). Two saturday tea parties - one with friends and one hosted by me! for my mum and her friends - and a lovely after church dinner tonight hosted by the latest marrieds, Ben and Jess.

I just love it when two hospitable people marry each other.  They are my role models.  I aspire to be the type of family that has an open house where people are welcomed, fed, and have fellowship.  And go on evening strolls with their friends.  And go on chalk chases.

Romans 12:9-13 ~ Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

So I am looking forward to this next "party" month, for the new friends I'll meet, the old friends I will get to catch up with, and the parties I will throw...

Goodies at Morning Tea

Table Decorations for Afternoon Tea

Teacups and Treats

T is for Tea Party

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY THREE

Because I drew inspiration for my current blog theme from his movie "500 Days of Summer", I thought I'd dedicate today's post to my latest actor crush - Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

I didn't have a crush on him five days ago, or even two days ago.  I hated "500 Days of Summer."  It was depressing.  When I was twelve I thought he was weird in "Third Rock From The Sun."  Until today I didn't know he was in half of the 10 out of his 38 movies that I have seen.

I don't have a crush on him because his latest character had cancer, or because of his inclination to take quirky, moody, artsy film roles, or his professed aversion to fame.  There's just something about the way he pretends to be all serious, but then his eyes sparkle and his face crinkles when he smiles....

...and he's actually talented.

... and he's super cute.

... and he knows it.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY TWO

All I want for Christmas (not really) but some of the things in life that I'm not likely to buy for myself.  Not in order of priority. ~ A Very She & Him Christmas LP (red vinyl) $35.46 (incl. shipping)*

Need I say more?

[Yay!!! Number one on my list has been checked off!! Thank you Lara ~ now I just have to find an awesome record player! (Dec 10)]
My first Christmas Present ~ and via skype!!

Becca ~ Beach Tint in Watermelon $25.00 (USD) *

Actually amazing and long lasting... I have it in Fig already and "borrow" my sister's Watermelon. I wear it with Clinique's Long Last Glosswear SPF in Air Kiss.  Try it ladies!

[Yay! I got this one today also ~ from my brother... (Dec 10)]
It's so nice that my brother is rich this year...

Kikki K ~ 2012 Desk Calendar $16.95

For my desk at work. Probably something I would hardly use but it's pretty cute.

Kikki K ~ Felt Tip Pen (10 Pack) $12.95

To write birthdays and appointments into my desk calendar.

[Chris gave me these too... (Dec 10)]
I'm totally going to write Christmas Cards with these...

Napoleon Perdis ~ DèVine Godess Lipstick in Andromeda $35.00

Now that I'm a grown-up (sort of) with an important occupation (office manager), I need a subtle, matt lipstick for everyday wear.  Sold out through Napoleon, but available on cosmetics websites.  

[AND he gave me this to complete the set of three for secret santa (Mum's side of the family Christmas Party) which was supposed to be $20. Ha! (Dec 10)]

Love it already :)

Book Depository ~ Emily Post's "Etiquette" $44.54

I cannot believe I didn't know this existed prior to seeing it in the gift bags at Blair's bridal shower (thrown by Serena) last week.  Needless to say it's a non-essential gift as I've read it online.  It would look nice on my bookshelf though and I would have easy access with last minute etiquette questions.

Sephora ~ Flowerbomb Eau de parfum $lots *

I've been living the last year with a miniature and refill bottle which I bought in Times Square for myself for Christmas last year.  Alternately, Eau de toilette or cash to contribute to my Flowerbomb fund will graciously be received...

Big W ~ James Bond Box Set $188.00

If this is too expensive for you, I am happy with just a set of the Roger Moore bond movies... or just a framed poster of Roger Moore as Bond.

Gossip Girl Set Upper Eastside NY ~ Leighton Meester's Autograph

Fingers crossed my best-friend will run into "Blair" this week or next. 

You know you love me xoxo

* Indicates most wanted items

Ninety-One Days Of Summer: DAY ONE

Today is the first day of my favourite season.  Yes, I could go on about how I LOVE the other three seasons and all the pros and cons, but summer contains some of the most important occasions of the year, and that's why I love it most (also because of the sunny days and we all know how much I love the sun).

1. Jesus' birthday is in summer.
Hemispherically, I'm speaking of summer in the south of course.

2.  My birthday is in summer.
My love language is gifts.  This simply means, I feel especially loved if I receive a gift that suits me perfectly.  It tells me that the giver loves me enough to find out who the real me is, and pick a gift that I would love.  I love my birthday, because apart from Christmas, it's usual a day when I feel well loved.  Summertime also means that on my birthdays I get to have pool parties, water fights, zooper dopers (popsicles), and beach fun.  

3. Christmas is in summer.
I'm not talking specifically about Jesus' birthday, but the commercial version of Christmas.  Where carols play for a month in the shops (and no one can begrudge me for playing them very loud in the car), where departments stores have miniature idealised snow covered towns with trains running through them, and Christmas spirit (decorating, baking, singing, fairy lights) is at it's peak.  

4. New Years is in summer.
I'm not so much into the big new years party thing (except for last year - last year I was at the biggest New Years party in the world).  But no matter what I do on New Years Eve, New Years Day always brings an expectation of change, and improvement.  It's a chance to start over.

5. Our Family Christmas party is in summer.
When I get to catch up with the people I love most - my cousins, aunts, uncles, and my Nana and Mate (Grandpa).

6.  School vacation is in summer.
Do I need to explain how excited I am that there will be no study, assignments and exams for summer?? 

But the reason I am so looking forward to the next ninety days is that I didn't get summer last summer.  I was in North America for three months. Brr.